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I love that word: Humbitious.

Not sure who coined it and if it is accepted into the Dictionary as a “real” English adverb (yet) – but that does not matter.

This word encompasses 2 of the greatest assets as a leader of your business, your team, your community or your family:

Being humble and ambitious at the same time.

And it’s also one of the traits of a level 5 leader according to the groundbreaking discoveries in Jim Collins “Good to Great – Why some companies make the leap… and others don’t”:

“A Level 5 Leader builds enduring greatness by a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will.

Level 5 leaders channel their ego needs away from themselves and into the larger goal of building a great company. It’s not that Level 5 leaders have no ego or self-interest. Indeed, they are incredibly ambitious—but their ambition is first and foremost for the institution,

not themselves.”

Based on my experience this applies to all kinds of leaders – be it in a business, community, or family context.

Leaders who put the mission first and who are humble and not ego focused but work for the greater good of the people following them. They take great pride and responsibility towards their role and put others needs in front of their own.

Think back: Have you had a person in your life, who fit the criteria of being humbitious?

Maybe the first-grade teacher, who believed in you and was encouraging you to become more of what you thought possible?

Or a superior in a previous corporate role, who knew what you were capable of – and who did not stop to support you and others in their pursuit of getting better?

Perhaps you had an intimate relationship or a friend, who fit the criteria and did not make everything about him/herself but worked tirelessly on improving your relationship or friendship.

I’m sure we all had encounters with people who were humbitious.

And this includes the 2nd part of the word: Being ambitious.

Some people do not like this word very much, because they might associate it with people whose ambitions were only focused and directed towards their own good.

When ambition is directed towards reaching the overarching mission of a company, community or family (yes, families can have a mission), this ambition will turn into a strong force and will magically draw people in to support the higher purpose.

So my question to you, dear reader:

What are your thoughts about humbitious leaders?

Post them below, I’d love to read or hear from you.

Nathalie Sabrina Dahl
