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Letting Go…

by Nathalie Sabrina Dahl

«Just let go!»

This seems to be a trend – this “letting go” thing…

But what does it really mean?

Does it mean to give up? Or to just take it easy on yourself?

Or to become lethargic?

There’s certainly more than one answer to this question, so I’d like to share 3 personal examples which were significant for progressing in my business – and life.

No 1 – letting go of my “safe” freelance job as a bookkeeper to pursue a new calling with THE VICTORY LOG: This sounds easy now, but if I hadn’t been nudged into the right direction (by losing my biggest bookkeeping mandate) I would have probably not done it so vigorously.

No 2 – letting go of my old reality which was: I can never speak in front of people, I’m not a natural communicator and nobody wants to hear what I have to say anyway.

No 3 – letting go of scarcity thinking and understanding that worrying about money has no other purpose thank keeping me stuck in a situation where I lacked money – and worried about it.

In all 3 instances letting go meant to surrender to something new, something better, to go with the flow and to follow my intuition.

While still taking action, of course. None of the 3 examples would have turned into much of an upturn if I didn’t act and tried out a different business, reality and money mindset.

In my world letting go equals 3 things:

1. Understand what needs changing.

2. Let go of the old and embrace the new.

3. Implement and be persistent.

I’m wondering: Did you have similar experiences, where “letting go” helped move you in the right direction, in hindsight?

Feel free to comment on my post HERE – looking forward to hearing your point of view.

Nathalie Sabrina Dahl


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